Microsoft’s new combo: GoW + Halo 3

2 hit combo

2old2play reports that a yet to be published EGM article set to reveal Microsoft‘s current stratagem in its competition with Sony: alternating game releases.

They note that Microsoft already implements this tactic with two non-blockbuster games, namely, Forza Motorsport and Project Gotham Racing. Given that Cliffy B and others have already commented on how Gears of War was supposed to be a trilogy if the first release was a success, it is very likely that if Microsoft chooses to do so they can alternate releases between Halo and Gears of War.

Supposedly, Halo 3 is the last installment of the Xbox classic, but we all know that it will be very hard to walk away from a franchise that can put $125 million in the bank within a 24-hour period (we’re talking about Halo 2 here). If Microsoft chooses to continue wear its Halo, and Cliffy B and the gang keep the Gears of War turning, then this means that we’ll have a release schedule of every two years for an installment of a hot hot game.

More fuel for your Xbox 360? Mmmmm.

Via 2old2play

2 hit combo

2old2play reports that a yet to be published EGM article set to reveal Microsoft‘s current stratagem in its competition with Sony: alternating game releases.

They note that Microsoft already implements this tactic with two non-blockbuster games, namely, Forza Motorsport and Project Gotham Racing. Given that Cliffy B and others have already commented on how Gears of War was supposed to be a trilogy if the first release was a success, it is very likely that if Microsoft chooses to do so they can alternate releases between Halo and Gears of War.

Supposedly, Halo 3 is the last installment of the Xbox classic, but we all know that it will be very hard to walk away from a franchise that can put $125 million in the bank within a 24-hour period (we’re talking about Halo 2 here). If Microsoft chooses to continue wear its Halo, and Cliffy B and the gang keep the Gears of War turning, then this means that we’ll have a release schedule of every two years for an installment of a hot hot game.

More fuel for your Xbox 360? Mmmmm.

Via 2old2play

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