Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight PS3 Screens

Mobile Suit Gundam

The famed developer Bandai has already announced that they are working on a Mobile Suit Gundam title for the Xbox 360, but it turns out they are also working on an iteration of the series for Sony‘s PlayStation 3 as well. To go along with the information revealed yesterday, Bandai also managed to satisfy our Mobile Suit need with this teaser batch of four screens. Taking the role of Amro Ray in the early Gundam Universe, gamers can expect to enjoy their favorite game with real time graphics on the PS3.

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Via Worthplaying

Mobile Suit Gundam

The famed developer Bandai has already announced that they are working on a Mobile Suit Gundam title for the Xbox 360, but it turns out they are also working on an iteration of the series for Sony‘s PlayStation 3 as well. To go along with the information revealed yesterday, Bandai also managed to satisfy our Mobile Suit need with this teaser batch of four screens. Taking the role of Amro Ray in the early Gundam Universe, gamers can expect to enjoy their favorite game with real time graphics on the PS3.

Mobile Suit Gundam - Image 1Mobile Suit Gundam - Image 2Mobile Suit Gundam - Image 3

Via Worthplaying

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