MoneyTube goes beta: to entertain you, your friends, AND your wallet
Heads up, everyone! There’s a new kid on the video-sharing block, and it’s got some interesting goodies in store for you. Joining the ranks of YouTube, Google Videos, Break, StreetFire and others is Okay, so the name ain’t exactly all-original. But hey, it still could be worth checking out, especially since it comes with the tagline “Entertain Your Wallet”.
Well that got your attention pretty quick, eh? So how does this go? Basically, it allows you to browse through them other video-sharing sites and import them to your MoneyTube account to share it with your friends anywhere in the world. Now, that doesn’t really sound innovative, right? However, that’s not all there is to it. And this is where the good part comes in.
The twist with MoneyTube is that you will actually get paid for the video you put up. Say what? Get paid for a video you got from somewhere else? Yep, that’s how it goes. Basically, once the video you added to MoneyTube is up, the page will have several ads in it while your friends and other visitors watch the video. Then, any revenue generated from the video you added — via the page views — (pay close attention now) will be split with you 50/50.
50/50. And for just embedding a video on MoneyTube! But that ain’t all. MoneyTube also gives users 15% of the revenue made from new users they refer to join the service. It’s like bringing in a friend to your company to work there, and the company gives you some kind of bonus for having a new person join in. Apart from that, if you are the first to add a video from a particular site, you will receive 10% of all revenue ever made from that video.
Now, to add in a video to MoneyTube (that could eventually provide you with your gas money or that next-gen game that you so badly want), all you have to do is use MoneyTube’s web-based tools, or the EZLink Client to add the video to the site. EZLink is a background application that will send any of your favorite media sharing site URL’s that you highlight and copy directly to your MoneyTube account. You can find the download link for EZLink at the bottom of this article.
Important to note, though, is that you have to have the .net Framework installed first. And since we’re just plain efficient, we’ve got that file hosted as well, so having it is as good as done. Oh, and your Windows has to be SP2, for your information.
MoneyTube has just been launched and is still in its Beta. But they’re keeping busy adding support for new sites and new features for their users, so you might want to check them out. That’s triple entertainment for you, your friends, and your wallet. Feel free to check the site out via our Read link below.
Download: [EZLink Setup]
Download: [Microsoft Framework 2.0 (dotnetfx)]
Heads up, everyone! There’s a new kid on the video-sharing block, and it’s got some interesting goodies in store for you. Joining the ranks of YouTube, Google Videos, Break, StreetFire and others is Okay, so the name ain’t exactly all-original. But hey, it still could be worth checking out, especially since it comes with the tagline “Entertain Your Wallet”.
Well that got your attention pretty quick, eh? So how does this go? Basically, it allows you to browse through them other video-sharing sites and import them to your MoneyTube account to share it with your friends anywhere in the world. Now, that doesn’t really sound innovative, right? However, that’s not all there is to it. And this is where the good part comes in.
The twist with MoneyTube is that you will actually get paid for the video you put up. Say what? Get paid for a video you got from somewhere else? Yep, that’s how it goes. Basically, once the video you added to MoneyTube is up, the page will have several ads in it while your friends and other visitors watch the video. Then, any revenue generated from the video you added — via the page views — (pay close attention now) will be split with you 50/50.
50/50. And for just embedding a video on MoneyTube! But that ain’t all. MoneyTube also gives users 15% of the revenue made from new users they refer to join the service. It’s like bringing in a friend to your company to work there, and the company gives you some kind of bonus for having a new person join in. Apart from that, if you are the first to add a video from a particular site, you will receive 10% of all revenue ever made from that video.
Now, to add in a video to MoneyTube (that could eventually provide you with your gas money or that next-gen game that you so badly want), all you have to do is use MoneyTube’s web-based tools, or the EZLink Client to add the video to the site. EZLink is a background application that will send any of your favorite media sharing site URL’s that you highlight and copy directly to your MoneyTube account. You can find the download link for EZLink at the bottom of this article.
Important to note, though, is that you have to have the .net Framework installed first. And since we’re just plain efficient, we’ve got that file hosted as well, so having it is as good as done. Oh, and your Windows has to be SP2, for your information.
MoneyTube has just been launched and is still in its Beta. But they’re keeping busy adding support for new sites and new features for their users, so you might want to check them out. That’s triple entertainment for you, your friends, and your wallet. Feel free to check the site out via our Read link below.
Download: [EZLink Setup]
Download: [Microsoft Framework 2.0 (dotnetfx)]