Monster Hunter 3 Portable arriving this year? *UPDATE*
On the cover of the latest issue of GameWave is word that Monster Hunter 3 Portable will be on shelves within the year. Given the Hong Kong-based gaming mag’s track record, however, there’s still room to take the news with a dash of salt.
On the cover of the latest issue of GameWave is word that Monster Hunter 3 Portable will be on shelves within the year. Given the Hong Kong-based gaming mag’s track record, however, there’s still room to take the news with a dash of salt.
While it would certainly be great news to have Monster Hunter 3 Portable over the holiday break this year, GameWave is no Famitsu. For their Gundam x Gundam Next cover story, they sourced an edited image that spread across Japanes blogs at the time. Not exactly something you’d want to lean on for a printed story.
They did, however, get some things right, especially with PSP games. Having based their intel on early retail listings, they were able to get the info printed before any other publication.
That said, this one gets tagged as a rumor.
Capcom UK has contacted Kotaku saying that the Monster Hunter 3 Portable logo shown on the mag “cover is basically the Tri logo with the word Portable superimposed”. Whether or not Capcom will announce a legit one with a non-photoshopped logo is another story altogether.
GameWave [via Siliconera]