Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G DLC update: unleash the pink fury
Capcom will be unveiling two new quests for Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G tomorrow. One of the quests will be all about pink, but don’t think for a moment that it’ll be a cakewalk. Details on what you’ll be up against are available in the full article.
Pink may not be the toughest-looking color out there, but that’s about to change with Capcom‘s upcoming content for Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (MHP2ndG). The company will be releasing a special DLC for tomorrow titled “Sakura Tooru Famitsu flying season.”
As its name implies, this special challenge will have players hunting down three pink-colored monsters in the steamy jungle region: The Congalala, the Pink Rathian, and the Yian Kut-Ku. The Congalala and Kut-Ku are easy enough, but the Pink Rathian isn’t anything to sneeze at. Turning in this quest successfully bags you special tickets.
Also to arrive is the Challenge Quest 08 DLC. Here, you’ll be facing off against a triple threat of the Red Shogun Ceanataur, Red Khezu, and the Black Diablos. All three are the stronger sub-species of their respective monster families, so be prepared to be in for quite a fight. Both quests will be available for download for MHP2ndG in Japan by July 4, 2008 from 1:00 p.m. onwards.
Via Famitsu