Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G goodies unleashed: art book, music CD

Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G Goodies unleashed: art book, music CDs - Image 1If you’re crazy over Capcom‘s upcoming Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, chances are you’d want to maximize your playing experience. With the Monster Hunter Illustrations art book and a two-disc music CD, you definitely can. Details of these items after the jump!

Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G Goodies unleashed: art book, music CDs - Image 1If you simply can’t wait to get your hands on Capcom‘s Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, otherwise known as Monster Hunter Freedom 2, why not grab yourselves a copy of the Monster Hunter Illustrations art book. It’s going to be on Japanese store shelves on March 25 – two days before the game’s release.

The book will be featuring sketches, monster information, and staff commentary for both PSP and PS2 versions of the game. You can pre-order a copy on Play-Asia. Other than these, not much is still known about this nifty art book.

Aside from this, a two-disc music CD will be released as well. Unlike the art book, the CD will be released on a much later date, April 16. It contains 36 tracks from the game itself. You can place your pre-orders on Play-Asia also.

Hopefully, these two will be able to satisfy your audio-visual hunger for the upcoming game. Be sure to check up on our site constantly for more updates and news regarding the game.

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