More LOTR: BFME II and Dead Rising Content Available on Marketplace
A few themes and a picture pack have become available on the Marketplace in the form of a Lord of The Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II theme and picture pack as well as a new theme for Capcom‘s Dead Rising. The LOTR content includes “Cinematic Painting Theme 2” that costs the usual 150 Microsoft Points and a Dwarves Picture Pack that comes in at 160 Microsoft Points. The Dead Rising content is Dead Rising Theme 4 and cost the usual theme amount of 150 Microsoft Points. Go ahead and check out the new themes and picture pack if your really into Lord of the Rings or zombies.
A few themes and a picture pack have become available on the Marketplace in the form of a Lord of The Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II theme and picture pack as well as a new theme for Capcom‘s Dead Rising. The LOTR content includes “Cinematic Painting Theme 2” that costs the usual 150 Microsoft Points and a Dwarves Picture Pack that comes in at 160 Microsoft Points. The Dead Rising content is Dead Rising Theme 4 and cost the usual theme amount of 150 Microsoft Points. Go ahead and check out the new themes and picture pack if your really into Lord of the Rings or zombies.