More on the Armory’s privacy issues

Privacy is not a crime - Image 1In response to everyone else who has been complaining about the new Armory – and the fact that there’s less privacy there at the moment – WoW Forum member Draena writes that it is in her opinion that it is fine as it is at the moment. Draena notes: “If you care so much about hiding your specs and gear then you have serious issues and this game may not be for you.”

What’s noteworthy here is that other than a few scathing comments, a lot of folks seem to agree with Draena’s sentiment. WoW user Muricas had this to add:

In my experience, those most concerned with people knowing how much gold they have, have also been the ones without gold. And those with a lot of gold, for the most part, are not as pestered as one might imagine. Even them, the armory does not show such information.

As for people being able to see your talent spec, what’s the big deal?

As for those those who oppose the Armory, and its apparent lack of privacy, WoW Forum member Charsa seems to be the most vocal of them. Charsa notes:

What so many people fail to see is that different people have different levels of desired privacy in their characters, this is their perception (not yours, not Blizzard‘s) and they have made decisions, inducing investing time and money into the game at their current levels of comfort. This change radically alters that comfort level. While you and maybe Blizzard feel that this is public information, others where under the inference that such was not the case.

Well what’s your take on the whole issue? Are you guys for or against the ability to see your stats/gear/inventory?

Anyhow, we’ll update you folks as soon as a “blue” (again, just to be newbie friendly, that means a community manager/Blizzard employee/Blizzard Poster) responds on the thread.

Via WoW Forums

Privacy is not a crime - Image 1In response to everyone else who has been complaining about the new Armory – and the fact that there’s less privacy there at the moment – WoW Forum member Draena writes that it is in her opinion that it is fine as it is at the moment. Draena notes: “If you care so much about hiding your specs and gear then you have serious issues and this game may not be for you.”

What’s noteworthy here is that other than a few scathing comments, a lot of folks seem to agree with Draena’s sentiment. WoW user Muricas had this to add:

In my experience, those most concerned with people knowing how much gold they have, have also been the ones without gold. And those with a lot of gold, for the most part, are not as pestered as one might imagine. Even them, the armory does not show such information.

As for people being able to see your talent spec, what’s the big deal?

As for those those who oppose the Armory, and its apparent lack of privacy, WoW Forum member Charsa seems to be the most vocal of them. Charsa notes:

What so many people fail to see is that different people have different levels of desired privacy in their characters, this is their perception (not yours, not Blizzard‘s) and they have made decisions, inducing investing time and money into the game at their current levels of comfort. This change radically alters that comfort level. While you and maybe Blizzard feel that this is public information, others where under the inference that such was not the case.

Well what’s your take on the whole issue? Are you guys for or against the ability to see your stats/gear/inventory?

Anyhow, we’ll update you folks as soon as a “blue” (again, just to be newbie friendly, that means a community manager/Blizzard employee/Blizzard Poster) responds on the thread.

Via WoW Forums

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