More proof that booting games off the Hard Disk might be closer than we think!
While we covered the news of Team Xecuter announcing their new PS3 project- the Hypredrive, I was left wondering about the purpose of such humongous space. I mean, while I do have about 2TB of storage space on my PC, it’s a PC after all. On the PS3, you’d be left searching for stuff to fill up the hard disk.
Or would you? Well, not according to Team Xecuter and Paradox, it seems. Paradox, while being a warez release group, have a lot of firsts to their credit, including the first PSP ISO dump, and the first PS3 BDRay dump, among other things. And if they are to be believed, the illegal scene is not far off from being successful at booting games off the hard-disk. For now, we have nothing but a small snippet of the release info courtesy of Maxconsole.
| tYPE : Action/Role Play | vIDEO MODE : NTSC/USA |
| mEDIA : BLU-RAY | pLAYABLE : Soon |
While we wouldn’t know much until it was officially let out of the bag, I have a hunch that cracking the PS3 will be a bit easier than the Xbox360, simply because of the reason that its OS is pretty close to what we’ve had on the PSP. Second, a lot of file formats are identical to the respective PSP versions. And while the PS3 might have more security than a PSP, we can be sure that the first few firmware versions will still be pretty insecure.
And while we can’t say that we’re happy with the news, a part of me wants to rejoice simply because of the fact that the “scene” is hard at work on the PS3. And again, while piracy will be a big problem, you have to remember that a large contention of people will also be looking for homebrew on the PS3’s XMB like on the PSP. Anyways, stay tuned for the latest updates!
While we covered the news of Team Xecuter announcing their new PS3 project- the Hypredrive, I was left wondering about the purpose of such humongous space. I mean, while I do have about 2TB of storage space on my PC, it’s a PC after all. On the PS3, you’d be left searching for stuff to fill up the hard disk.
Or would you? Well, not according to Team Xecuter and Paradox, it seems. Paradox, while being a warez release group, have a lot of firsts to their credit, including the first PSP ISO dump, and the first PS3 BDRay dump, among other things. And if they are to be believed, the illegal scene is not far off from being successful at booting games off the hard-disk. For now, we have nothing but a small snippet of the release info courtesy of Maxconsole.
| tYPE : Action/Role Play | vIDEO MODE : NTSC/USA |
| mEDIA : BLU-RAY | pLAYABLE : Soon |
While we wouldn’t know much until it was officially let out of the bag, I have a hunch that cracking the PS3 will be a bit easier than the Xbox360, simply because of the reason that its OS is pretty close to what we’ve had on the PSP. Second, a lot of file formats are identical to the respective PSP versions. And while the PS3 might have more security than a PSP, we can be sure that the first few firmware versions will still be pretty insecure.
And while we can’t say that we’re happy with the news, a part of me wants to rejoice simply because of the fact that the “scene” is hard at work on the PS3. And again, while piracy will be a big problem, you have to remember that a large contention of people will also be looking for homebrew on the PS3’s XMB like on the PSP. Anyways, stay tuned for the latest updates!