More PS3 gaming deals available from Amazon
If Amazon‘s Assassin’s Creed (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) price drop wasn’t enough for you, then Amazon has more deals to satisfy your post-holiday shopping. This time around, Amazon is offering at least US$10 off on several selected PlayStation 3 games.
Find out what the games are after the jump!
The holidays may be over, but the deals certainly aren’t. Last time, Amazon offered Assassin’s Creed (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) at a bargain price. This time, several other games have received price drops of their own, courtesy of Amazon.
The three games in question are:
- Need for Speed: ProStreet (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PC, PSP, DS) – US$39.99 (down from US$ 59.99)
- The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion: Game of the Year Edition (PS3, Xbox360, PC, PSP) – US$ 49.99 (down from US$ 59.99)
- The Orange Box (PS3, PC)- US$ 49.99 (down from US$ 59.99)
Of course, if you’d rather go for second hand games, Amazon is offering those as well for incrementally lower prices than those mentioned above. Chances are that there will be more price drops in the future, so stay tuned for additional info regarding deals such as these.