More Resident Evil 4 Wii edition gameplay videos

Can’t get enough of Resident Evil 4‘s intrepid hero, Leon? Well, we have another batch of gameplay videos for the Wii outing of the action adventure title.

In these gameplay videos for Capcom‘s Resident Evil 4 for the Wii, we see Leon attacked by the crazed villagers. Their weapons of choice are still the proverbial pitchforks and farm implements but they’ve also learned to use dynamite and chainsaws so you might want to watch out for those. We also see the zombies that just refuse to die unless you empty an entire clip on their skulls. Oh, and don’t let their sheer numbers distract you.

Anyway, we won’t spoil the fun for you. You know the drill, just click play.

Another gameplay video after the jump!

Can’t get enough of Resident Evil 4‘s intrepid hero, Leon? Well, we have another batch of gameplay videos for the Wii outing of the action adventure title.

In these gameplay videos for Capcom‘s Resident Evil 4 for the Wii, we see Leon attacked by the crazed villagers. Their weapons of choice are still the proverbial pitchforks and farm implements but they’ve also learned to use dynamite and chainsaws so you might want to watch out for those. We also see the zombies that just refuse to die unless you empty an entire clip on their skulls. Oh, and don’t let their sheer numbers distract you.

Anyway, we won’t spoil the fun for you. You know the drill, just click play.

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