Morita Shogi HD – Square Enix’s first iPad title

squarelogoHD gaming is really shaping up for the iPad, with publishers announcing their own attempts at hi-definition titles for the new gadget. Square Enix isn’t gonna back down on that end, they’ve just announced their first iPad title – Morita Shogi HD.

HD gaming is really shaping up for the iPad, with publishers announcing their own attempts at hi-definition titles for the new gadget. Square Enix isn’t gonna back down on that end, they’ve just announced their first iPad title – Morita Shogi HD.




With Final Fantasy titles alreadu in the App Store and Chaos Rings on the way, Square Enix is really warming up to the Apple platforms. It’s not too far out to think that their latest projects will go HD for the iPad as well, but we’ll have to wait until word comes around.



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