MP3 RSS Feeder v0.6 for 2.60 PSP’s

MP3_RSS_Feeder-798716Those of you who have PSP’s with firmware that supports RSS feeds, Matthias Graffe has emailed us from Germany about his MP3 streamer for your PC that you can access with your PSP. You 2.60’ers may not have access to the wealth of homebrew (yet) but this IS something you can use to make the most out of your PSP. 

First download, install and configure Hfs (PSPortal) with this how to: (You don´t need the “RSS, Live Music Streaming” Part)

Create a Folder for your RSS Files and share it like your MP3 Folder as a real-time folder with Hfs.

1) Edit Filename, Title and Description or choose the “Use Subfolders” method. Then the chosen Subfolder of the first level (NO subfolder in a subfolder!) of your shared MP3 Folder will be used as Filename, Title and Description. (optional)

2) Choose your, with Hfs shared, RSS and MP3 Folder and edit the HTTP Address – it must point to your MP3 Folder. Save your Config – or reset it (optional) What the App is doing: if path.dat found, then reset to this save – otherwise reset to default).

 3) Now choose the MP3 Folder to Feed (it must be in the shared MP3 Folder) and click “Search MP3s and make the RSS Feed!”

Download: [MP3 RSS Feeder v0.6]

MP3_RSS_Feeder-798716Those of you who have PSP’s with firmware that supports RSS feeds, Matthias Graffe has emailed us from Germany about his MP3 streamer for your PC that you can access with your PSP. You 2.60’ers may not have access to the wealth of homebrew (yet) but this IS something you can use to make the most out of your PSP. 

First download, install and configure Hfs (PSPortal) with this how to: (You don´t need the “RSS, Live Music Streaming” Part)

Create a Folder for your RSS Files and share it like your MP3 Folder as a real-time folder with Hfs.

1) Edit Filename, Title and Description or choose the “Use Subfolders” method. Then the chosen Subfolder of the first level (NO subfolder in a subfolder!) of your shared MP3 Folder will be used as Filename, Title and Description. (optional)

2) Choose your, with Hfs shared, RSS and MP3 Folder and edit the HTTP Address – it must point to your MP3 Folder. Save your Config – or reset it (optional) What the App is doing: if path.dat found, then reset to this save – otherwise reset to default).

 3) Now choose the MP3 Folder to Feed (it must be in the shared MP3 Folder) and click “Search MP3s and make the RSS Feed!”

Download: [MP3 RSS Feeder v0.6]

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