MySims to be released in Japan this September
For those anticipating the release of Electronic Arts‘ MySims in North America, this just might be good news to you. No, we don’t have the game’s exact release date in the US yet (it’s still hunkered down as TBA). However, what we *do* have is the scheduled release for Japan.
GameFront just reported that MySims will be made available in Japan this September. Now how does this help in clocking a US release? Well, it’s already been revealed that Europe will also get the game at the same time, so chances are, maybe they’re planning the same date for US.
More updates as soon as EA starts rolling out their PRs.
For those anticipating the release of Electronic Arts‘ MySims in North America, this just might be good news to you. No, we don’t have the game’s exact release date in the US yet (it’s still hunkered down as TBA). However, what we *do* have is the scheduled release for Japan.
GameFront just reported that MySims will be made available in Japan this September. Now how does this help in clocking a US release? Well, it’s already been revealed that Europe will also get the game at the same time, so chances are, maybe they’re planning the same date for US.
More updates as soon as EA starts rolling out their PRs.