Naruto: Rise of a Ninja XBL tournament mode details, video

In Naruto: Rise of a Ninja, online tournament matches aren’t just about killing your foes and moving on to the next kill like the game’s Fight mode; it’s about patience, skill and well, points that’ll get you on top of the leaderboard. The online tournament has been designed in a way that everyone who wants to play will get to.

Instead of being limited to a bracketed style of competition that limits the number of players who get to participate, the tournament mode in Naruto: Rise of a Ninja is separated into levels of a sort. Players who’ve reached a certain number of victories in a level will move up and the ones who lost will go back to the very start.

The “levels” in tournament mode has a theme that’s in line with the world of Naruto. The tournament is called the Forest of Death Exam, and is always in session for everyone who wants to take it. The first level is the Forest of Death itself where you need to win two consecutive matches before you move on to the Tower of Death.

In the Tower of Death you move up after a number of consecutive victories per level. One loss and you’re out. This kind of process automatically matches you with players who are on the same level in the Exam as you are. Each battle won gives you points, but specific moves gives you extra points as well.

The leaderboards will also track the number of consecutive kills as well as the total points you get while climbing the tower. Good luck proving your ninja skills when Ubisoft Montreal releases Naruto: Rise of a Ninja on October 30. Meanwhile, here’s a clip of the Tower of Death to get you going:


In Naruto: Rise of a Ninja, online tournament matches aren’t just about killing your foes and moving on to the next kill like the game’s Fight mode; it’s about patience, skill and well, points that’ll get you on top of the leaderboard. The online tournament has been designed in a way that everyone who wants to play will get to.

Instead of being limited to a bracketed style of competition that limits the number of players who get to participate, the tournament mode in Naruto: Rise of a Ninja is separated into levels of a sort. Players who’ve reached a certain number of victories in a level will move up and the ones who lost will go back to the very start.

The “levels” in tournament mode has a theme that’s in line with the world of Naruto. The tournament is called the Forest of Death Exam, and is always in session for everyone who wants to take it. The first level is the Forest of Death itself where you need to win two consecutive matches before you move on to the Tower of Death.

In the Tower of Death you move up after a number of consecutive victories per level. One loss and you’re out. This kind of process automatically matches you with players who are on the same level in the Exam as you are. Each battle won gives you points, but specific moves gives you extra points as well.

The leaderboards will also track the number of consecutive kills as well as the total points you get while climbing the tower. Good luck proving your ninja skills when Ubisoft Montreal releases Naruto: Rise of a Ninja on October 30. Meanwhile, here’s a clip of the Tower of Death to get you going:


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