Natal, 3D support up for next MotoGP

motogpAnother game lines up for the services of Project Natal. Lead designer Greg Bryant revealed to CVG that they will be looking into Microsoft’s motion controller for MotoGP 10/11. Not to worry, though, the dev team’s also got their eyes on some cool dibs for the PS3 version.




Another game lines up for the services of Project Natal. Lead designer Greg Bryant revealed to CVG that they will be looking into Microsoft’s motion controller for MotoGP 10/11.


“We haven’t looked into Natal yet for MotoGP 09/10 [to be released on March 31, 2010], but we’re definitely looking into it for MotoGP 10/11 because I personally think the future for that application is through head tracking in racing games.”


But the Xbox 360 version won’t be the only one getting some cool dibs. The PS3 version is also in for quite a ride with 3D support. “One of the other things that I’m really excite about it is that the PS3 is going to support 3D technology as well,” he said. “So when you combine that with the PS Eye and theoretically doing the head tracking through that, I think that’s going to be absolutely awesome.”


MotoGP 10/11 obviously won’t be out a while, so in the meantime, you’ve got MotoGP 09/10 to curb the wait. It’s just as swell, even without the fancy new technology.




Via [CVG]




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