NDSHB Competition: PhotoCup DS

photocupThe Nintendo DS Homebrew Competition is in full swing over at NDSHB. You’ve had your chance blowing up your enemies with Explosive Gas, and now comes PhotoCup DS created by Knight of Dragon. It’s an interesting multiplayer homebrew that lets you test your skills in finding the differences between two images before the timer runs out. It may not be as intense as blowing people to smithereens, but it sure is a great way to keep those eyes moving.

PhotoCup DS features a single game mode where the ultimate goal is to get the highest score. If you’ve got company, you can play the Coop or Versus mode, though they won’t be saved.

The game has three difficulty levels: Random, Level, Choice. As the name implies, Random shows you a random amount of changes on screen. In Level, more images are added depending on round. If you hate challenges, go for Choice, where you pick the amount of changes you want.

Wi-Fi and Mic Chat are not enabled in this version.

Download: [PhotoCup DS]


photocupThe Nintendo DS Homebrew Competition is in full swing over at NDSHB. You’ve had your chance blowing up your enemies with Explosive Gas, and now comes PhotoCup DS created by Knight of Dragon. It’s an interesting multiplayer homebrew that lets you test your skills in finding the differences between two images before the timer runs out. It may not be as intense as blowing people to smithereens, but it sure is a great way to keep those eyes moving.

PhotoCup DS features a single game mode where the ultimate goal is to get the highest score. If you’ve got company, you can play the Coop or Versus mode, though they won’t be saved.

The game has three difficulty levels: Random, Level, Choice. As the name implies, Random shows you a random amount of changes on screen. In Level, more images are added depending on round. If you hate challenges, go for Choice, where you pick the amount of changes you want.

Wi-Fi and Mic Chat are not enabled in this version.

Download: [PhotoCup DS]


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