NDSkybookM v0.2
Heads-up guys! Japanese DS homebrew dev extraordinaire, Infantile Paralysiser just released his latest NDSkybok update, and it sure gives you one more reason to learn Japanese!
You see, we have nothing but Google translate to shed light on the incomprehensible Japanese characters that appeared on our screen, so we can’t expound on this homebrew app‘s capabilities more. Anyway, we’re still adding the Google translate version in this article, to give you an idea what this app does:
Building NDSKybook suitably, playing, changing [ru] human version selfishly, suitably playing, it is [ru] human version. “2006/11/01 Source codes.zip 411465byte” was designated as the base. The ndsuser2006 way it is appreciation. Other than the adding movie it is not operational verifying. The book mark file is common. Frequently the disk format as for having done being just I? The adapter summary perhaps it is corresponding. The memo your own. It is not the list which guarantees operation. MoviePlayer/CF, AdMovie/CF, M3/CF and M3/SD all kind, SC/CF, SC/SD (as for MicroSD edition ##), EZ4/SD (perhaps all kind), MaxMediaLauncher/CF, EWin2/SD, MagicKey2/3/SD and DS-Link/SD
(We’re guessing this is the changelog)
The bug where it has become not be able to retain the book mark turning extended function to a ON was corrected. INI was added to the file extension which you open. The bug which Japanese file name has stopped opening was corrected. Configuration file ‘ ndskybok.sys'[wo], ‘/NDSKYBKM/ndskybkm.sys'[ni] it moved. (Configuration is cancelled, but the book mark that way is) Optimization option of the compiler, because of safety – from O3 – was modified in O2.
If you can do a better translation, please let us know. We – and the DS homebrew community – will surely appreciate it.
Download: [NDSkybookM v0.2]
Heads-up guys! Japanese DS homebrew dev extraordinaire, Infantile Paralysiser just released his latest NDSkybok update, and it sure gives you one more reason to learn Japanese!
You see, we have nothing but Google translate to shed light on the incomprehensible Japanese characters that appeared on our screen, so we can’t expound on this homebrew app‘s capabilities more. Anyway, we’re still adding the Google translate version in this article, to give you an idea what this app does:
Building NDSKybook suitably, playing, changing [ru] human version selfishly, suitably playing, it is [ru] human version. “2006/11/01 Source codes.zip 411465byte” was designated as the base. The ndsuser2006 way it is appreciation. Other than the adding movie it is not operational verifying. The book mark file is common. Frequently the disk format as for having done being just I? The adapter summary perhaps it is corresponding. The memo your own. It is not the list which guarantees operation. MoviePlayer/CF, AdMovie/CF, M3/CF and M3/SD all kind, SC/CF, SC/SD (as for MicroSD edition ##), EZ4/SD (perhaps all kind), MaxMediaLauncher/CF, EWin2/SD, MagicKey2/3/SD and DS-Link/SD
(We’re guessing this is the changelog)
The bug where it has become not be able to retain the book mark turning extended function to a ON was corrected. INI was added to the file extension which you open. The bug which Japanese file name has stopped opening was corrected. Configuration file ‘ ndskybok.sys'[wo], ‘/NDSKYBKM/ndskybkm.sys'[ni] it moved. (Configuration is cancelled, but the book mark that way is) Optimization option of the compiler, because of safety – from O3 – was modified in O2.
If you can do a better translation, please let us know. We – and the DS homebrew community – will surely appreciate it.
Download: [NDSkybookM v0.2]