YoyoFr has released his NeoCd Emulator NeoCDPSP 0.5 (with source). Changelog:
Music (mp3) playback bug in pause/play fixed (Last Resort seems ok now).Rendering fixed (sprite disappearing)New render using psp hardwareImproved GUINew feature: autofire for A,B,C,D neogeo buttonsChanged memory io and z80 emulation with NeoDC 2.3 sources (music in more games)New GFX from great pochi! http://pochiicon.hp.infoseek.co.jp/Screenshot (press R trigger), saved in uncompressed 24bits BMP (480×272)Directory independent, you only have to put the whole files & bios in the same dir (no “/PSP/GAME/NEOCDPSP” directory only anymore)You can get it in our PSP download section [here].
Thanks to the anonymous person who emailed me for the news!
YoyoFr has released his NeoCd Emulator NeoCDPSP 0.5 (with source). Changelog:
Music (mp3) playback bug in pause/play fixed (Last Resort seems ok now).Rendering fixed (sprite disappearing)New render using psp hardwareImproved GUINew feature: autofire for A,B,C,D neogeo buttonsChanged memory io and z80 emulation with NeoDC 2.3 sources (music in more games)New GFX from great pochi! http://pochiicon.hp.infoseek.co.jp/Screenshot (press R trigger), saved in uncompressed 24bits BMP (480×272)Directory independent, you only have to put the whole files & bios in the same dir (no “/PSP/GAME/NEOCDPSP” directory only anymore)You can get it in our PSP download section [here].
Thanks to the anonymous person who emailed me for the news!