Nethaera on WoW patches 2.2 and 2.3, other changes
Our recent trip to the World of Warcraft Forums netted us a must read. It’s all about the upcoming patch 2.2. Questions about why it hasn’t been released yet, PC vs. Mac issues, and the Under Development page, among other things.
Player Hotuken asked why the patch is taking so long to release when it isn’t even a content patch and how the delay is going to affect the next patch (2.3, Zul’Aman). Blizzard poster Nethaera dropped by the thread and patiently answered the questions thrown at her.
According to the blue poster, the Under Development page’s update is underway. About the possible delays on the future patch, Nethaera said that it is “pretty much a given” since testing periods should be accounted for. She also explained that even though patch 2.2 isn’t a content patch, there are still some major things that are included like Voice Chat and Mac video recording. Nethaera mentioned the other changes to be: Guild Banks, Sunwell Plateau, and the new expansion, Wrath of the Lich King.
Well, if you need some enlightenment about the upcoming changes in the World of Warcraft, we’d suggest that you look over the thread in question by following the Read link below.
Our recent trip to the World of Warcraft Forums netted us a must read. It’s all about the upcoming patch 2.2. Questions about why it hasn’t been released yet, PC vs. Mac issues, and the Under Development page, among other things.
Player Hotuken asked why the patch is taking so long to release when it isn’t even a content patch and how the delay is going to affect the next patch (2.3, Zul’Aman). Blizzard poster Nethaera dropped by the thread and patiently answered the questions thrown at her.
According to the blue poster, the Under Development page’s update is underway. About the possible delays on the future patch, Nethaera said that it is “pretty much a given” since testing periods should be accounted for. She also explained that even though patch 2.2 isn’t a content patch, there are still some major things that are included like Voice Chat and Mac video recording. Nethaera mentioned the other changes to be: Guild Banks, Sunwell Plateau, and the new expansion, Wrath of the Lich King.
Well, if you need some enlightenment about the upcoming changes in the World of Warcraft, we’d suggest that you look over the thread in question by following the Read link below.