New Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII scans of Nibelheim Incident, Costa Del Sol, Tifa in cowgirl outfit

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Image 1 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Image 2 

Ah, the Nibelheim incident. One of the more powerful scenes in the original Final Fantasy VII, it delved into Cloud’s real past – and what really happened the day Sephiroth, legendary SOLDIER of Shinra, turned rogue and became the silver-haired antagonist that would make every PSOne player despise his name, and fanfic-writing girls to hopelessly daydream about him.

We see all that and more in this scan update of Square Enix‘s Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII for the PlayStation Portable. Looking at the scans, we see the characters in a simpler time – back when Cloud and Tifa were still the young, ambitious youths they once were, with no crazed, megalomaniac Sephiroth following their every move and no looming threat of a giant meteor crashing into the planet and ending all life as they knew it.

The graphics are striking, and very sharp – it seems that Squeenix is definitely pushing for a next-gen look, and by the Lifestream they’ve done it. It’s certainly very striking to see the old characters we once knew in the original game, to be revived in such a way that they look more real and appealing to the younger generation, yet still have the elements we fell in love with back then so the older, more experienced role playing game enthusiasts feel right at home.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Image 1 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Image 2 

Ah, the Nibelheim incident. One of the more powerful scenes in the original Final Fantasy VII, it delved into Cloud’s real past – and what really happened the day Sephiroth, legendary SOLDIER of Shinra, turned rogue and became the silver-haired antagonist that would make every PSOne player despise his name, and fanfic-writing girls to hopelessly daydream about him.

We see all that and more in this scan update of Square Enix‘s Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII for the PlayStation Portable. Looking at the scans, we see the characters in a simpler time – back when Cloud and Tifa were still the young, ambitious youths they once were, with no crazed, megalomaniac Sephiroth following their every move and no looming threat of a giant meteor crashing into the planet and ending all life as they knew it.

The graphics are striking, and very sharp – it seems that Squeenix is definitely pushing for a next-gen look, and by the Lifestream they’ve done it. It’s certainly very striking to see the old characters we once knew in the original game, to be revived in such a way that they look more real and appealing to the younger generation, yet still have the elements we fell in love with back then so the older, more experienced role playing game enthusiasts feel right at home.

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