New Jersey parents: We don’t like the Wii Zapper

The Wii Zapper - Image 1The Wii has certainly made an impact on the non-gaming population, with its unique motion-sensing mechanics and wholesome titles geared towards the entire family. Of course, while dissenting opinion is always a fact of life, with Nintendo’s console also coming under fire from critics, there are times when it’s just a little bit too strange to digest.

Consider the opinion of parents from New Jersey about the Wii, specifically about its upcoming peripheral the Wii Zapper.

So what’s wrong with the Wii Zapper? The fact that it resembles a gun is, according to the responses given to a New Jersey blog’s Question of The Day section. One of the responses, unedited and presented as is:

Great, this is what we need. Children with guns learning how to aim and shoot. Then we can sit back and wonder what is happening to our country with kids killing kidsÂ…Â…whatÂ’s next? Could we make it squirt blood, too?

Another reader response, again verbatim:

Nintendo ought to be fined for introducing to 4-9 years old kids a “toy” that promotes guns. The next thing you know they will include an application to the NRA in the game. Who ever thought up this stupid game ought to be fired. I would NEVER purchase a Nintento product for my grandkids from here on…

As you can see, opinions about the Wii Zapper are a bit low, with readers describing the toy as an effort of Nintendo to promote guns and gun-related violence. Of course, while gun-related violence is terrible and all the steps necessary should be taken to nip it in the bud, we can’t help but notice the other toys resembling guns a bit more closely than the Wii Zapper with its streamlined, ceramic white profile aren’t being cited.

What say you, readers? Do you think the Wii Zapper can influence the youth, in a good or bad way? Let us know by your comments.

The Wii Zapper - Image 1The Wii has certainly made an impact on the non-gaming population, with its unique motion-sensing mechanics and wholesome titles geared towards the entire family. Of course, while dissenting opinion is always a fact of life, with Nintendo’s console also coming under fire from critics, there are times when it’s just a little bit too strange to digest.

Consider the opinion of parents from New Jersey about the Wii, specifically about its upcoming peripheral the Wii Zapper.

So what’s wrong with the Wii Zapper? The fact that it resembles a gun is, according to the responses given to a New Jersey blog’s Question of The Day section. One of the responses, unedited and presented as is:

Great, this is what we need. Children with guns learning how to aim and shoot. Then we can sit back and wonder what is happening to our country with kids killing kidsÂ…Â…whatÂ’s next? Could we make it squirt blood, too?

Another reader response, again verbatim:

Nintendo ought to be fined for introducing to 4-9 years old kids a “toy” that promotes guns. The next thing you know they will include an application to the NRA in the game. Who ever thought up this stupid game ought to be fired. I would NEVER purchase a Nintento product for my grandkids from here on…

As you can see, opinions about the Wii Zapper are a bit low, with readers describing the toy as an effort of Nintendo to promote guns and gun-related violence. Of course, while gun-related violence is terrible and all the steps necessary should be taken to nip it in the bud, we can’t help but notice the other toys resembling guns a bit more closely than the Wii Zapper with its streamlined, ceramic white profile aren’t being cited.

What say you, readers? Do you think the Wii Zapper can influence the youth, in a good or bad way? Let us know by your comments.

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