New Line, HBO Video confirm switch to Blu-ray format

New Line, HBO Video go Blu-Ray - Image 1Here’s some more news on the Blu-ray front. It seems New Line Home Entertainment and HBO Video have decided to follow Warner’s choice, opting to abandon HD-DVD and make the  switch to Blu-ray. Though the format wars have yet to be decided, it’s certainly dealt another blow against HD-DVD, at least.

More on this new development after the jump!

Blu-Ray grabs two more companies - Image 1When Warner Bros. declared its support for the Blu-ray format, it left a rather big mark that other companies were tempted to follow, and follow they did. Thanks to a tip from Apu, we’ve found a recent article that reports two other companies related to Warner are going Blu-ray exclusive as well.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, New Line Home Entertainment has confirmed that it is following the lead of Warner Bros. in “abandoning HD DVD and releasing all future next-generation titles only in the Blu-ray Disc format.”

In addition, HBO Video is also doing the same, which was somewhat expected, seeing as Time-Warner is HBO’s parent company. Said HBO Video president Henry McGee, HBO Video is “following the same policy as Warner Home Video.”

HBO and New Line are the second and third Warner companies to declare their intentions in the format wars, leaving the BBC, which Warner distributes domestically, as the last company left to declare a format.

Once again, thanks to Apu for the tip!

Via The Hollywood Reporter

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