New PS3 FW 2.53 tomorrow: full-screen mode for Flash
Incoming! From PS3 Firmware v2.52 earlier this month, we’re now moving into FW 2.53. The changelog doesn’t include much – but if you’re a heavy user of Flash sites, it makes a world of difference. Dropping in on November 26, the FW 2.53 update comes as a follow up to the Flash 9 support in the browser, a feature first incorporated into FW 2.50.
Incoming! From PS3 Firmware v2.52 earlier this month, we’re now moving into FW 2.53. The changelog doesn’t include much – but if you’re a heavy user of Flash sites, it makes a world of difference.
Dropping in on November 26, PS3 FW v2.53 will have the changes:
- Network
- New for 2.53: The Internet browser now supports full-screen mode for Adobe Flash Player content.
This comes as a follow up to the Flash 9 support in the browser, a feature first incorporated into FW 2.50.
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