New screens and Official Mode details for Gundam Musou
As promised, here are some more new screens from KOEI‘s Gundam Musou. But that’s not all that we have for you. We’re bringing you fresh details as well regarding this game’s Official Mode. Or so the Google-translated Japanese site says.
Okay, we don’t really want to veer away too much from the “essence” of the translated text, so we’ll just put it here in the raw. (Actually, this writer just don’t want to bust her brains out trying to make sense of the translation…) So, here’s what it says.
Presently, “OFFICIAL MODE” only it is open. “OFFICIAL MODE”, you’re-display several fights of each Gundam work, being thing to experience, those where finish. With this work, 3 works of “movement soldier Gundam”, “movement soldier Z Gundam” and “movement soldier Gundam ZZ” are recorded, the player becomes the protagonist and the other characters of each work and keeps fighting. This time, being the character of several people, and something where the mobile suit is released it probably will keep introducing.
And if you’re still in doubt, well, at least you have the screenshots to enjoy.
There’s so much more after the jump!
As promised, here are some more new screens from KOEI‘s Gundam Musou. But that’s not all that we have for you. We’re bringing you fresh details as well regarding this game’s Official Mode. Or so the Google-translated Japanese site says.
Okay, we don’t really want to veer away too much from the “essence” of the translated text, so we’ll just put it here in the raw. (Actually, this writer just don’t want to bust her brains out trying to make sense of the translation…) So, here’s what it says.
Presently, “OFFICIAL MODE” only it is open. “OFFICIAL MODE”, you’re-display several fights of each Gundam work, being thing to experience, those where finish. With this work, 3 works of “movement soldier Gundam”, “movement soldier Z Gundam” and “movement soldier Gundam ZZ” are recorded, the player becomes the protagonist and the other characters of each work and keeps fighting. This time, being the character of several people, and something where the mobile suit is released it probably will keep introducing.
And if you’re still in doubt, well, at least you have the screenshots to enjoy.
Via IT Media