New SNES emulator for the PSP: uo_snes9x test 0
PSP-compatible Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulators are hard to come by, usually taking several months in between releases. It’s good to know that homebrew coder knuckles84 recently picked up the project and rolled out a new version.
Dubbed as uo_snes9x test 0, this particular homebrew is somewhat a combination of Ruka‘s and Chilly Willy‘s take on the project. Read more after the jump!
Download: uo_snes9x test 0
PSP-compatible Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulators are hard to come by, usually taking several months in between releases.
It’s good to know that homebrew coder knuckles84 recently picked up the project and rolled out a new version. The name of this specific SNES emulator is uo_snes9x test 0.
The coder mentioned that he was supposed to use the source code from Chilly Willy’s 0.4.2 ME release. knuckles84 further explained:
So I have decide do make experiment to add some code from Ruka to the source of Chilly Willy. Here is my first experiment version, I was able to add the diff2 and diff3 from Ruka, which must improve the emu a little.
Personal tests I have done tell me that my version improves same games a little. So I hope that you test it to and give me you reports. I will try to add more, but it is hard because there are a lot of diffs not available, the most the first diff’s (and perhaps the important).
uo_snes9x test 0 doesn’t come with its own Readme.txt file so be sure that you know what you’re doing during installation and usage to avoid any problems.
Download: uo_snes9x test 0
Via DCemu