New Super Mario Bros. Website Up. Release Date Pushed Up!

New Super Mario Bros.‘ release date seems to be on a roller coaster. It’s being delayed back and forth and nobody’s really sure of when it’s coming out anymore. However, the new website for New Super Mario Bros. is now up and it lists May 15th, 2006 as the release date. They also have some new wallpapers to download and promises of new videos coming soon! It’s recommended that you keep your eyes on the site for new videos of the first 2D Mario side-scroller in over a decade! Click “Read” to be taken to the new site.

New Super Mario Bros.‘ release date seems to be on a roller coaster. It’s being delayed back and forth and nobody’s really sure of when it’s coming out anymore. However, the new website for New Super Mario Bros. is now up and it lists May 15th, 2006 as the release date. They also have some new wallpapers to download and promises of new videos coming soon! It’s recommended that you keep your eyes on the site for new videos of the first 2D Mario side-scroller in over a decade! Click “Read” to be taken to the new site.

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