New videos at the Japanese Wii website
Woooooh! Woooooooh! (woman screaming peals of ecstasy) Awwww! Ahhhhhhh! (laughter)… The sounds were made by people bursting with excitement. Now, contrary to what you’re probably thinking right now, these lucky guys get to try out the Wii, and from the looks of the videos, it seems like they’re having the time of their lives playing it.
You might remember that before, we showed you a video showing an elderly couple playing the Wii. This time, Nintendo’s got a video of a whole family playing with Nintendo’s brand-spanking console, and it looks like everyone’s having fun. In fact, you don’t see Mommy nagging here, as she’s too busy playing. Cool.
Anyway, one might think that the Wii’s an “in thing,” with all these videos showing everybody playing it. Hmmm… could it be a message? “Granny and Pops are doing it, two girls are doing it, even the whole family’s doing it; so why don’t you do the Wii also?”
I wonder.
Woooooh! Woooooooh! (woman screaming peals of ecstasy) Awwww! Ahhhhhhh! (laughter)… The sounds were made by people bursting with excitement. Now, contrary to what you’re probably thinking right now, these lucky guys get to try out the Wii, and from the looks of the videos, it seems like they’re having the time of their lives playing it.
You might remember that before, we showed you a video showing an elderly couple playing the Wii. This time, Nintendo’s got a video of a whole family playing with Nintendo’s brand-spanking console, and it looks like everyone’s having fun. In fact, you don’t see Mommy nagging here, as she’s too busy playing. Cool.
Anyway, one might think that the Wii’s an “in thing,” with all these videos showing everybody playing it. Hmmm… could it be a message? “Granny and Pops are doing it, two girls are doing it, even the whole family’s doing it; so why don’t you do the Wii also?”
I wonder.