Next Generation Rainbow Six Game Coming?

On the right side of the official Rainbow Six site, there is a timer which claims to countdown to a major announcement. The countdown will end on 3/6/06, so fans of the series won’t have long to wait and know what this special announcement is and hopefully gamers will get a taste of some fresh media if it is a new title this is being announced. Considering that the countdown is counting 360 hours, it may be a safe assumption that there will be a new title announced for the Xbox 360 (and, most likely, for the PS3 as well) Of course, this is all speculation at the moment and there are no other clues to what this major announcement may be. That said, the second the announcement is made, we’ll be sure to bring it to you.

On the right side of the official Rainbow Six site, there is a timer which claims to countdown to a major announcement. The countdown will end on 3/6/06, so fans of the series won’t have long to wait and know what this special announcement is and hopefully gamers will get a taste of some fresh media if it is a new title this is being announced. Considering that the countdown is counting 360 hours, it may be a safe assumption that there will be a new title announced for the Xbox 360 (and, most likely, for the PS3 as well) Of course, this is all speculation at the moment and there are no other clues to what this major announcement may be. That said, the second the announcement is made, we’ll be sure to bring it to you.

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