NIGathan Shootuh Beta, with video

NIGathan released the beta version of his psychedelic space shooter, which he affectionately calls NIGathan Shootuh. NIGathan Shootuh is different from other shooters in that the game actually allows you to slow the game down for a certain amount of time, increasing your spaceship’s maneuverability against enemies.

The game is still in beta though, which means that it’s bound to be missing some stuff. Here’s what NIGathan noted as currently existing in the Beta Build of his game:

  • Slow mo meter
  • Lives system
  • Pause menu
  • Shooting
  • Wall collision
  • Poor enemy collision, to actually detect you have to make sure that the x axis is lined up but the y does not need to be the y axis is a line almost as wide as the enemyÂ’s width so if you cant line up just just barely underneath were he goes by and come up real fast as hes passing so you go through him. Remember it is still a beta release.
  • Music/sound effects
  • No real menu yet
  • Game over screen
  • There are no real levels yet just one test room with a looping enemy.

In any case, you can view a playthrough of NIGathan’s existing game, as well as try it out for yourself, below. Enjoy!

Download: NIGathan Shootuh Beta

NIGathan released the beta version of his psychedelic space shooter, which he affectionately calls NIGathan Shootuh. NIGathan Shootuh is different from other shooters in that the game actually allows you to slow the game down for a certain amount of time, increasing your spaceship’s maneuverability against enemies.

The game is still in beta though, which means that it’s bound to be missing some stuff. Here’s what NIGathan noted as currently existing in the Beta Build of his game:

  • Slow mo meter
  • Lives system
  • Pause menu
  • Shooting
  • Wall collision
  • Poor enemy collision, to actually detect you have to make sure that the x axis is lined up but the y does not need to be the y axis is a line almost as wide as the enemyÂ’s width so if you cant line up just just barely underneath were he goes by and come up real fast as hes passing so you go through him. Remember it is still a beta release.
  • Music/sound effects
  • No real menu yet
  • Game over screen
  • There are no real levels yet just one test room with a looping enemy.

In any case, you can view a playthrough of NIGathan’s existing game, as well as try it out for yourself, below. Enjoy!

Download: NIGathan Shootuh Beta

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