NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams Japan site updated
After having EB Games and Gamestop distribute NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams exclusive promo DVDs, Sega has updated the game’s official Japanese website to unveil new screenshots of the game. Nightopia is looking cooler than ever and we can’t wait until NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams drops on the Nintendo Wii.
Sega‘s big holiday offering for the Nintendo Wii NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams is still several days from release, but we’ve been seeing more and more of it lately. This time, the Japanese site was updated and some new peeks have been made available.
This comes after we reported yesterday that Sega has teamed up with EB Games and Gamestop to give away promo DVDs that feature never before seen footage of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams and interviews on people who’ve been toiling to bring this remake to us.
In the updated site which you can see by following the Via link, new screens are up to give you more clues on how surreal the realm of Nightopia is. We’ll give you more updates as more NiGHTS stuff become available.