Nintendo Console Shipment Data
How many consoles did Nintendo ship and what are the big money makers? Well, we have that information for you today. All numbers are for the 2005 fiscal year which is from April 1st, 2005 – March 31st, 2006.
- GameBoy Advance – 8.33 million units
- GameBoy Advance SP – 6.44 million units
- GameBoy Micro – 1.83 million units
- Nintendo DS – 11.46 million units
- Nintendo DS Lite – 0.58 million unit
- GameCube – 2.35 million units
Obviously, the handheld sector is the big money maker for Nintendo. They only had to ship 2.35 million GCN units. The Nintendo DS, one of the fastest selling consoles Nintendo has seen, shipped about 12 million units in the 2005 fiscal year. The GBA also sold very well. Although I think Game Boy Advance means GBA SP + GBM + GBA (original). I just don’t believe they shipped out 8.33 million original GBA units as opposed to 6.44 million GBA SPs. Do you even see original GBAs at stores anymore?
Software was as follows:
- GameBoy Advance – 59.36 million units
- Nintendo DS – 49.95 million units
- GameCube – 32.79 million units
In terms of software, the GBA saw the most games. With its huge userbase, it’s not surprising. The DS is also getting a lot of attention and I’d expect that 2006 will bring much more software for the DS than the other systems. Nintendo obviously agrees because this is what they’ve forecasted for the 2006 fiscal year which ends March 31st, 2007.
- GameBoy Advance – 2.5 million hardware units / 30 million software units
- Nintendo DS – 16 million hardware units / 70 million software units
- GameCube – Not Available / 15 million software units
- Wii – 6 million hardware units / 17 million software units
Nintendo doesn’t expect to sell many GBAs although North America seems to be picking up more of those than the DS and PSP. They also seem to have given up hope on the GCN and will instead be focusing their energy on the DS and upcoming Wii.
How many consoles did Nintendo ship and what are the big money makers? Well, we have that information for you today. All numbers are for the 2005 fiscal year which is from April 1st, 2005 – March 31st, 2006.
- GameBoy Advance – 8.33 million units
- GameBoy Advance SP – 6.44 million units
- GameBoy Micro – 1.83 million units
- Nintendo DS – 11.46 million units
- Nintendo DS Lite – 0.58 million unit
- GameCube – 2.35 million units
Obviously, the handheld sector is the big money maker for Nintendo. They only had to ship 2.35 million GCN units. The Nintendo DS, one of the fastest selling consoles Nintendo has seen, shipped about 12 million units in the 2005 fiscal year. The GBA also sold very well. Although I think Game Boy Advance means GBA SP + GBM + GBA (original). I just don’t believe they shipped out 8.33 million original GBA units as opposed to 6.44 million GBA SPs. Do you even see original GBAs at stores anymore?
Software was as follows:
- GameBoy Advance – 59.36 million units
- Nintendo DS – 49.95 million units
- GameCube – 32.79 million units
In terms of software, the GBA saw the most games. With its huge userbase, it’s not surprising. The DS is also getting a lot of attention and I’d expect that 2006 will bring much more software for the DS than the other systems. Nintendo obviously agrees because this is what they’ve forecasted for the 2006 fiscal year which ends March 31st, 2007.
- GameBoy Advance – 2.5 million hardware units / 30 million software units
- Nintendo DS – 16 million hardware units / 70 million software units
- GameCube – Not Available / 15 million software units
- Wii – 6 million hardware units / 17 million software units
Nintendo doesn’t expect to sell many GBAs although North America seems to be picking up more of those than the DS and PSP. They also seem to have given up hope on the GCN and will instead be focusing their energy on the DS and upcoming Wii.