Nintendo to Korea: Watch out for piracy

Nintendo logo - Image 1The Big N’s finally sitting up and taking notice, having called Korea on the rampant piracy of its consoles and games, in an article published today by the Digital Chosunilbo.

Along with the stiff warning came a threat of legal action against Koreans mass-producing illegal copies of its software and hardware, a big first for the games industry giant.

Websites that allow illegal downloads of the games in question or turn a blind eye to such activities aren’t safe from Nintendo Company Ltd.’s wrath, either – the company’s losses from piracy cited by a spokesman of Nintendo Korea.

Let’s hope the Big N’s crackdown on piracy continues. Updates will be posted as they happen.

Nintendo logo - Image 1The Big N’s finally sitting up and taking notice, having called Korea on the rampant piracy of its consoles and games, in an article published today by the Digital Chosunilbo.

Along with the stiff warning came a threat of legal action against Koreans mass-producing illegal copies of its software and hardware, a big first for the games industry giant.

Websites that allow illegal downloads of the games in question or turn a blind eye to such activities aren’t safe from Nintendo Company Ltd.’s wrath, either – the company’s losses from piracy cited by a spokesman of Nintendo Korea.

Let’s hope the Big N’s crackdown on piracy continues. Updates will be posted as they happen.

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