Nintendo UK: keeping up the momentum of the Wii and DS

Nintendo: We are very confident the Wii has a solid future against 360/PS3 - Image 1No one can doubt the phenomenal success of the Wii and the DS. But will they be able to keep their momentum? And will the Wii be able to keep up with the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 in the long run? David Yarnton, Nintendo UK general manager, answers this question in an interview. Check out his answers to these questions in the full article.

Nintendo: We are very confident the Wii has a solid future against 360/PS3 - Image 1

David Yarnton, general manager of Nintendo UK, was recently interviewed concerning the success of the Nintendo platforms, the Wii and the DS. Yarnton talked about the future of the two platforms and how they’ll stand up to the test of time.

One can only wonder how the platforms can keep up their momentum. The Nintendo DS, for example, has enjoyed high sales in Japan for a long time now, but sales declined heavily last week for some reason.

Yarnton explains that to keep the momentum of the DS, Nintendo UK will be focusing on creating new software titles as well as building on existing franchises. They have releases from franchises that they believe will be a “chart presence” for years to come.

As for the Wii, Yarnton remains confident of its success in the future, saying that it is still strong in both the hardware and software market:

Wii is still in high demand and in the space of twelve months we have become the top selling ‘next-gen’ format with the highest installed base in the UK. This is due in part to the fantastic content we have available for our systems, and from the strong ongoing support from third party publishers. We are as confident as is possible that Wii has a solid future.


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