No More KXploit for 1.50 PSP – NO-KXploit Patcher Released

Moonlight today has released a very nice alternative for loading homebrew on our forums. This release comes to save all our 1.50 PSP users from having to put a “dumb” and a “dumb%” folder in our PSP/GAME/ folder, which allowed homebrew to run properly for almost one year.

With this program, your 1.50 PSP will be able to load and run a single Eboot.pbp directly like a 1.00 PSP, without any trouble of converting back and forth. The only thing you need to do is to load this program. After it exits automatically, you can choose and load eboots for 1.00 or 1.50 properly (tested and confirmed on my own PSP)! Your PSP will retain this ability unless you cut its power supply or shut it down. Putting your PSP into sleep will not make the PSP lose this ability. This does not flash your PSP, instead it all done in the RAM, so no worries about bricking your PSP.

On June 15, 2005, PSP-Dev Team, which was formed up Killer-X, Pawstick and CybBlade, released the original Swaploit method, which opened the blockade for all our 1.50 users. One week later, on June 22, 2005, PSP-Dev Team released the KXPloit method to save all of us from swapping the memory sticks and using only one memory stick to run the homebrews. This has become the standard of the eboot files for the 1.50 homebrew scene. Now, almost all the homebrews come in 2 versions, one for 1.50, and the other for 1.00 and 2.00+.

However, on November 10, 2005, CybBlade, one of the PSP-Dev Team members, died of cancer. But we will remember him, and everything the team has contributed to the whole scene. Even if we may never be using the KXPloit any more, their contribution to the scene will be remembered forever.

How to use No-KXploit Patcher

  • Copy “NOKXPLOIT” and “NOKXPLOIT%” folder from the archive to the PSP/GAME/ folder on you memory stick.
  • Browse to Game -> Memory Stick in your PSP menu interface and choose “NO-KXploit Patcher” from the sub-menu to start this program.
  • Wait for a short moment. This program will load and then exit it on itself.
  • When back in the PSP main interface again, you can start to launch any Eboot files on your PSP as you wish!

Download: [No-KXPloit Patcher]
Discuss: [Here]

Thanks for the news heads-up, Muratcan!

Moonlight today has released a very nice alternative for loading homebrew on our forums. This release comes to save all our 1.50 PSP users from having to put a “dumb” and a “dumb%” folder in our PSP/GAME/ folder, which allowed homebrew to run properly for almost one year.

With this program, your 1.50 PSP will be able to load and run a single Eboot.pbp directly like a 1.00 PSP, without any trouble of converting back and forth. The only thing you need to do is to load this program. After it exits automatically, you can choose and load eboots for 1.00 or 1.50 properly (tested and confirmed on my own PSP)! Your PSP will retain this ability unless you cut its power supply or shut it down. Putting your PSP into sleep will not make the PSP lose this ability. This does not flash your PSP, instead it all done in the RAM, so no worries about bricking your PSP.

On June 15, 2005, PSP-Dev Team, which was formed up Killer-X, Pawstick and CybBlade, released the original Swaploit method, which opened the blockade for all our 1.50 users. One week later, on June 22, 2005, PSP-Dev Team released the KXPloit method to save all of us from swapping the memory sticks and using only one memory stick to run the homebrews. This has become the standard of the eboot files for the 1.50 homebrew scene. Now, almost all the homebrews come in 2 versions, one for 1.50, and the other for 1.00 and 2.00+.

However, on November 10, 2005, CybBlade, one of the PSP-Dev Team members, died of cancer. But we will remember him, and everything the team has contributed to the whole scene. Even if we may never be using the KXPloit any more, their contribution to the scene will be remembered forever.

How to use No-KXploit Patcher

  • Copy “NOKXPLOIT” and “NOKXPLOIT%” folder from the archive to the PSP/GAME/ folder on you memory stick.
  • Browse to Game -> Memory Stick in your PSP menu interface and choose “NO-KXploit Patcher” from the sub-menu to start this program.
  • Wait for a short moment. This program will load and then exit it on itself.
  • When back in the PSP main interface again, you can start to launch any Eboot files on your PSP as you wish!

Download: [No-KXPloit Patcher]
Discuss: [Here]

Thanks for the news heads-up, Muratcan!

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