No PSPs found in PAX 2007?
This may be one of the hard evidences of Nintendo DS’s immense popularity among the handheld market: Almost every handheld gamer in Penny Arcade Expo 2007 (PAX 2007) had a DS, but there was nary a PSP in sight. Well, almost. A Wired reporter eventually found a lone PSP owner, and that’s after he spent some time searching for one.
Most of the handheld gamers present in PAX 2007 were found lounging on enormous beanbags on the hallways, entertaining themselves with multiplayer DS games and Pictochat.
The Sony PSP and Nintendo DS are both very good and competitive handhelds, but it is rather a bit disconcerting to find out that Sony’s multi-media handheld wasn’t at all present in PAX 2007, given the fact that the place was packed and full to the brim with gamers. Or maybe they were just protective of their PSPs like that?
More PAX 2007 updates to come!
Via Wired
This may be one of the hard evidences of Nintendo DS’s immense popularity among the handheld market: Almost every handheld gamer in Penny Arcade Expo 2007 (PAX 2007) had a DS, but there was nary a PSP in sight. Well, almost. A Wired reporter eventually found a lone PSP owner, and that’s after he spent some time searching for one.
Most of the handheld gamers present in PAX 2007 were found lounging on enormous beanbags on the hallways, entertaining themselves with multiplayer DS games and Pictochat.
The Sony PSP and Nintendo DS are both very good and competitive handhelds, but it is rather a bit disconcerting to find out that Sony’s multi-media handheld wasn’t at all present in PAX 2007, given the fact that the place was packed and full to the brim with gamers. Or maybe they were just protective of their PSPs like that?
More PAX 2007 updates to come!
Via Wired