NoA looking for Kaplan’s replacement?
A new job listing was recently found over at the career section of Nintendo of America‘s secure online site. Interestingly enough, the job description is the same as that of the position currently being held by Perrin Kaplan.
Yes folks, NoA is currently looking for a vice president to handle its corporate affairs. We went through the job description and there is no mistaking that this is the same exact position Kaplan has occupied since 1992.
The current VP and NoA both refused to comment on the matter. It should be remembered that Nintendo announced that it will be leaving its headquarters in Redmond, Washington for an office either in New York or San Francisco. This will affect around 60% of its employees, or so reports say. The big names that will be affected include Kaplan, George Harrison, and Beth Llewelyn.
A new job listing was recently found over at the career section of Nintendo of America‘s secure online site. Interestingly enough, the job description is the same as that of the position currently being held by Perrin Kaplan.
Yes folks, NoA is currently looking for a vice president to handle its corporate affairs. We went through the job description and there is no mistaking that this is the same exact position Kaplan has occupied since 1992.
The current VP and NoA both refused to comment on the matter. It should be remembered that Nintendo announced that it will be leaving its headquarters in Redmond, Washington for an office either in New York or San Francisco. This will affect around 60% of its employees, or so reports say. The big names that will be affected include Kaplan, George Harrison, and Beth Llewelyn.