Now forecasting: Porn Comic Island
A bit of intellectual green humor here folks. Not wishing to submit to the awesome Austrian village called Fucking (rhymes with cooking, will never be spelled out again), the island of Erromango is also making a pass at for the “absurd place names” trophy.
JC Barnett notes this fun little bit of trivia in his blog:
There is an island in the Pacific, south of Port Vila, called Erromango; it’s the southern-most province of Vanuatu and formerly known as Martyr’s Island due to a delicious mix of missionaries and cannibalism…
The Japanese translation of this place name is probably “iromanngoto” using katakana to translate “erromango” to “i-ro-ma-n-go” followed by the kanji for island or “shima“, read here as “to-“
Unfortunately, and here’s the bit of intellectual humor, the Japanese Wii Weather Channel uses a different form of Japanese spelling to represent Erromango. The picture above translates to “Ero-Manga Island,” or Erotic Manga Island.
Here’s our question: given the climates of the two areas, would you rather be in F***ing, Austria or Porn Comic Island? Use your Wimote to hunt down both entries, and see which one’s a nice play to visit, and a better place to live. One note: We’re still going to police this post for the F-bomb, so use F***ing instead. Cheers.
A bit of intellectual green humor here folks. Not wishing to submit to the awesome Austrian village called Fucking (rhymes with cooking, will never be spelled out again), the island of Erromango is also making a pass at for the “absurd place names” trophy.
JC Barnett notes this fun little bit of trivia in his blog:
There is an island in the Pacific, south of Port Vila, called Erromango; it’s the southern-most province of Vanuatu and formerly known as Martyr’s Island due to a delicious mix of missionaries and cannibalism…
The Japanese translation of this place name is probably “iromanngoto” using katakana to translate “erromango” to “i-ro-ma-n-go” followed by the kanji for island or “shima“, read here as “to-“
Unfortunately, and here’s the bit of intellectual humor, the Japanese Wii Weather Channel uses a different form of Japanese spelling to represent Erromango. The picture above translates to “Ero-Manga Island,” or Erotic Manga Island.
Here’s our question: given the climates of the two areas, would you rather be in F***ing, Austria or Porn Comic Island? Use your Wimote to hunt down both entries, and see which one’s a nice play to visit, and a better place to live. One note: We’re still going to police this post for the F-bomb, so use F***ing instead. Cheers.