Now You’ve Got a 360 – Let’s Gut It!

Source: kotaku


After a few cups of hot coffee or cocoa to rewarm your hands after you sat outside last night waiting in line for the white box of 360 now sitting on your dining room table, what better thing to do than unbox the system and take it apart? Well, you and I may not think that way, but Seth at Informit does and took his Xbox 360 apart as soon as he got home with it. ThereÂ’s a detailed write-up of the surgery at the link ot watch the video.

Xbox 360 Exposed [Informit]
Xbox 360 Exposed: The Movie

Source: kotaku


After a few cups of hot coffee or cocoa to rewarm your hands after you sat outside last night waiting in line for the white box of 360 now sitting on your dining room table, what better thing to do than unbox the system and take it apart? Well, you and I may not think that way, but Seth at Informit does and took his Xbox 360 apart as soon as he got home with it. ThereÂ’s a detailed write-up of the surgery at the link ot watch the video.

Xbox 360 Exposed [Informit]
Xbox 360 Exposed: The Movie

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