NPD: kids’ entertainment preferences: gaming on top

Kids playing PSP - Image 1Leading market research company, the NPD Group, looked into the preferences of kids aged 2-14 and discovered that kids are becoming more inclined to acquire content in digital form than the tradition physical form. What’s more, a greater slice of this age group prefers to play video games using their devices than listen to music. More inside.

Kids love to play - Image 1It’s no secret that kids are a profitable market to target, and companies have responded to that by bombarding them with all sorts of entertainment content – games, music, movies, to name a few. Lucky for them, today’s devices are capable of handling all that, so it’s just a matter of picking which form of entertainment is most appealing.

Leading market research company, the NPD Group, looked into the preferences of kids aged 2-14 and discovered that kids are becoming more inclined to acquire content in digital form than the traditional physical form. What’s more, a greater slice of this age group prefers to play video games using their devices than listen to music.

According to the study, 85% of kids aged 2-14 prefer to just cozy up with their devices and play than to listen to music, which is 60% of the device users, although an increasing number of kids have been using their devices for purposes other than gaming.

No surprise there really, especially in that age range. I guess this just solidifies well-known fact. For more on the survey, simply check out the source link below.

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