NVIDIA enlists Metropolis for FPS project
NVIDIA is most commonly known for its high-quality graphics cards, but they’re entering a new arena in 2008: Game development. Employing teams from Germany at the onset, Polish devs Metropolis have now been added to the mix. NVIDIA says that by 2009, they’ll have the best-looking FPS in the industry. Head to the full article for more details.
EA’s recent offering Crysis for the PC earned a lot of good press for having unparalleled visuals in any gaming platform to date. Its rise atop the graphics hill, however, provoked many challengers, including unconventional competitors like graphics card makers NVIDIA.
NVIDIA is currently running a program dubbed “The Way It’s Meant To Be Played” (TWIMTBP) which is geared towards finishing a revolutionary first-person shooter in 2009. In a recent press release, NVIDIA announced the inclusion of a Polish development team that will help out in the project.
Warsaw-based team Metropolis is set to join NVIDIA’s efforts which has already started in earnest with the help of German team IMC. They’re cooperating on the FPS codenamed THEY due out next year.
“We are happy to join the exclusive circle of TWIMTBP developers,” says Metropolis. “NVIDIAÂ’s trust in a European product paid off our efforts and long hours during the development of a top title in the overcrowded market of FPS games.”
“NVIDIAÂ’s tech support will further enhance the technical aspects of THEY, so we are able to release a triple-A mystery FPS in 2009, which will present future gamers with the best graphics boards of tomorrow!“ they add.
No specific platforms have been announced for THEY as of yet, but we’ll give you updates as soon as announcements come from NVIDIA.