NY Times Best of 2008: GTA4 is GOTY, Left 4 Dead wins Best Zombies award

Consoles - Image 1I know a lot of our readers have been disputing Grand Theft Auto 4‘s (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) GOTY status, so it may come as a disappointment to that part of the gaming masses that Rockstar’s latest GTA has been crowned as THE game of 2008 in the New York Times‘ own Best of 2008 list. Yeah, it’s not exactly earth-shaking news, but what caught my eye in this list wasn’t the GOTY, but the more unconventional awards that were handed out.

Left 4 Dead - Image 1

Yet more accolades for Grand Theft Auto 4 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC).

I know a lot of our readers have been disputing the game’s GOTY status, so it may come as a disappointment to that part of the gaming masses that Rockstar’s latest GTA has been crowned as THE game of 2008 in the New York Times‘ own Best of 2008 list.

Yeah, it’s not exactly earth-shaking news, but what caught my eye in this list wasn’t the GOTY, but the more unconventional awards that were handed out. Here’s look at a couple of winners as well as a quick quote:

  • BEST ZOMBIES: Left 4 Dead – “Valve, with Left 4 Dead, demonstrated why it is the premier developer of first-person shooters (sorry Id, sorry Bungie). The pacing is taut, and the game is built around the ludicrous fun of its multiplayer modes.”
  • BEST EXPLANATION OF WHY NINTENDO HARDLY NEEDS BIG GAMES ANYMORE: The Wii – “[Core Nintendo] players are finally coming to realize that Nintendo does not need to fawn over them anymore because the rest of the planet, which has never even heard of Zelda, is still clamoring for the Wii… These kinds of people donÂ’t even consider themselves gamers, but they are why Nintendo can get away with neglecting its core fans. For now.”

You can check out the complete rundown of winners by clicking on the Via link. And GTA 4? It won for being “one of the few games that even try to take on the real world in any adult way.” Oh, and look out for QJ’s own Best of 2008 article. That’s due to go up soon, or at least as soon as the other bloggers hand in their choices (I’m looking at you, Gino D.).

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Via NY Times

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