Oh, no. Quake Wars slips to FY 2008, or “when it’s done”

Activision is going to HATE me in the morning. - Image 1Eurogamer has found a note in Activision‘s financial report that shows Enemy Territory: Quake Wars moved to somewhere in fiscal year 2008. So much for the dates on our last report.

And guess what else was said by Activision’s rep. Eurogamer says that “we could expect it before Christmas, but other than that ‘it’s an id Software title so it’s done when it’s done.'” OMG, they said those words. “When it’s done.” You know, just like they said for Duke Nukem is still taking Forever. Bad precedent, if you ask us.

We don’t know if this refers to release dates globally, or whether it’s only for Europe, with other territories still on schedule; what you’ve just read is all that is given in the Eurogamer report. This is as vague as “when it’s done.” Hopefully, Activision or id will offer clarification on the financial report and their rep’s comments. Unless they’re waiting for that to be done, too.

Somehow, we wonder if there’s a Quad Productivity powerup floating somewhere in id Software, because it sure would be handy now.

Activision is going to HATE me in the morning. - Image 1Eurogamer has found a note in Activision‘s financial report that shows Enemy Territory: Quake Wars moved to somewhere in fiscal year 2008. So much for the dates on our last report.

And guess what else was said by Activision’s rep. Eurogamer says that “we could expect it before Christmas, but other than that ‘it’s an id Software title so it’s done when it’s done.'” OMG, they said those words. “When it’s done.” You know, just like they said for Duke Nukem is still taking Forever. Bad precedent, if you ask us.

We don’t know if this refers to release dates globally, or whether it’s only for Europe, with other territories still on schedule; what you’ve just read is all that is given in the Eurogamer report. This is as vague as “when it’s done.” Hopefully, Activision or id will offer clarification on the financial report and their rep’s comments. Unless they’re waiting for that to be done, too.

Somehow, we wonder if there’s a Quad Productivity powerup floating somewhere in id Software, because it sure would be handy now.

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