Once Upon A Time in Japan: Earth
“Earth is a third-person, point-and-click adventure for the PC that tells the story of Zenjiro, a samurai who left his clan during a time of war, seeking a life of peace with his family.” Such is the description for Abborado Studio’s first game in the Once Upon A Time in Japan series.
Collectively, the series (three-part) aims to transport players to the different periods in Japan‘s history, focusing on the struggles that the people had to contend with, bound by tradition and ruled by the warrior class. According to Ben Keeney, lead designer and co-founder of Abborado Studios,
We feel very strongly about our product and the future of this series. The subject matter and setting of this game are, as far as we know, unprecedented in the adventure genre and we are putting forth a massive effort in an attempt to make the games that we’ve always dreamed of playing.
The game’s features include the following:
- High resolution, digitally hand painted scenes, featuring scrolling and detailed animation.
- Traditionally hand drawn and animated characters, inspired by classic Disney and Studio Ghibli films.
- An amazing original score, combining traditional Japanese instrumentation and arrangements with modern scoring methods and techniques.
- An immersive setting that allows players to explore a province in 17th century Japan.
- A vast assortment of puzzles, painstakingly researched to fit the time period and locale, while revealing bits of Japanese culture and history to the player.
- Authentic Japanese voice acting
- A captivating storyline, focusing on well developed characters, that builds to an exciting climax.
So, what else happens to Zenjiro? Sixteen years later, a tragic event happens, forcing him to look for his wife,children, and other survivors. Along the way, there will be many characters he will meet, some as friends, some as foes. It is a personal struggle inasmuch as it is a struggle of his very own land.
Are you up to joining Zenjiro in his quest? Plan is for Earth to be released in the fourth quarter of this year. Keep it posted here for more.
“Earth is a third-person, point-and-click adventure for the PC that tells the story of Zenjiro, a samurai who left his clan during a time of war, seeking a life of peace with his family.” Such is the description for Abborado Studio’s first game in the Once Upon A Time in Japan series.
Collectively, the series (three-part) aims to transport players to the different periods in Japan‘s history, focusing on the struggles that the people had to contend with, bound by tradition and ruled by the warrior class. According to Ben Keeney, lead designer and co-founder of Abborado Studios,
We feel very strongly about our product and the future of this series. The subject matter and setting of this game are, as far as we know, unprecedented in the adventure genre and we are putting forth a massive effort in an attempt to make the games that we’ve always dreamed of playing.
The game’s features include the following:
- High resolution, digitally hand painted scenes, featuring scrolling and detailed animation.
- Traditionally hand drawn and animated characters, inspired by classic Disney and Studio Ghibli films.
- An amazing original score, combining traditional Japanese instrumentation and arrangements with modern scoring methods and techniques.
- An immersive setting that allows players to explore a province in 17th century Japan.
- A vast assortment of puzzles, painstakingly researched to fit the time period and locale, while revealing bits of Japanese culture and history to the player.
- Authentic Japanese voice acting
- A captivating storyline, focusing on well developed characters, that builds to an exciting climax.
So, what else happens to Zenjiro? Sixteen years later, a tragic event happens, forcing him to look for his wife,children, and other survivors. Along the way, there will be many characters he will meet, some as friends, some as foes. It is a personal struggle inasmuch as it is a struggle of his very own land.
Are you up to joining Zenjiro in his quest? Plan is for Earth to be released in the fourth quarter of this year. Keep it posted here for more.