Other companies interested in MotionPlus tech; future consoles to be more Wii-like?
Motion-sensing seems to be the in-thing for this generation of consoles – and quite possibly the next generation as well. According to InvenSense, the company that makes the Wii’s MotionPlus accessory, other companies are also interested in the tech. Will the next generation of Xbox 360s and PlayStation 3s be heavy on the motion sensing as well? Read more in the full article.
The Wii may be the in-thing in motion sensing now, but the next generation (the next one after this one, I mean) may be a different story.
You might have heard about the MotionPlus accessory Nintendo will be releasing with Wii Sports Resort. According to the accessory’s manufacturer, InvenSense, other companies have shown interest in the tech.
Although he did not name any names, it wouldn’t be surprising if this turned out to be the other console manufacturers, Sony and Microsoft. After all, they both already have their own motion-sensing controllers; they might be seeking to improve the tech in the next generation.
Joe Virginia, bigwig in InvenSense, has this to say about the matter:
With six degrees of freedom you can basically make any movement at all […] Six degrees of freedom is the holy grail. […] But if you think of where motions and where motion-sensing can be applied then there are so many applications; this is a great time to be in the business.
Related Articles:
- News on the PlayStation 3’s SIXAXIS controller
- Microsoft will make a motion-sensitive controller if you want ’em
- Wii MotionPlus accessory: for more accurate motion tracking
- E3 2008: Wii Sports Resort announced, coming this Spring
Via EuroGamer