Over 65,000 sign up for Stargate Worlds beta

Stargate Worlds gets over 60,000 people for beta signups - Image 1It looks like Stargate Worlds has acquired a good reception from the gaming community. The word out on the game’s community website has it that more than 60,000 people have signed up for the beta. Learn more about this after the jump!

Over 60,000 beta signups for Stargate Worlds  - Image 1It’s always good news to see that beta sign-ups for a game are alive and well. In this case, we’re happy to note that the beta sign-ups for Stargate Worlds have done quite well recently, as more than 65,000 people have signed up for the Stargate Worlds beta since it was announced.

Notes Senior Community Manager Katie Posma of the response from the gaming public,

We are extremely excited and overwhelmed by the positive response by fans to get a chance to beta test. It gives the dev team a feeling of support and encouragement to know that so many people want to share this game with us, and work with us to make it better and better!

While only a limited number of those who signed up will be allowed entry into Stargate Worlds as a beta tester, the reaction garnered by the game from gamers is indicative of a strong following. As always, do note that beta testers will be added to the game gradually, so if you haven’t received a reply from Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment, just be patient.

Via Stargate Worlds

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