Animal Crossing DS Receives a New Name
Source: Nnext Nintendo has announced a new title for the game previously titled Animal Crossing DS. The new title is Animal Crossing: Wild World. This...
Lumines and Meteos Both On One Platform
Early next year both games will be reunited on a single system. In fact, they’ll be coming together on a gaming platform that you...
Monster Madness Video Demo
Artificial Studios and Immersion Software & Graphics announce they have completed the Alpha phase of their jointly-developed title Monster Madness, a 4-player cooperative online-enabled action...
Playable Ridge Racer at TGS
Source: IGNBig Xbox 360 titles to be shown at upcoming game show. September 7, 2005 – Namco will be showcasing a playable version of Ridge...
Burnout Goes Double Gold With New PSP, Console Editions
Source: Gamespot The newest versions of one of gaming’s most popular racing franchises are that much closer to reaching the retail finish line. Electronic Arts...
Lumines Creator To Host Hour Long Public Chat
Today Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest videogame publishers, is delighted to announce a live chat session with Tetsuya Mizuguchi to discuss about his inspiration...
Atari ST Emulator – CaSTaway/PSP Version 003c Alpha for the PSP
Skeezix from CodeJedi has updated his CaSTaway for the PSP, version 0.03c Alpha. In this version, he boosted the emulator to “speed as one...
Valve Founder Disses PS3 & Xbox 360
Source:GameGeekNews Ever wonder what would happen if Michael Moore & Jabba The Hut had sex? Apparently, they’d make Gabe Newell, the founder & director of...
Sony has released a pair of new products – both under the name of “Location Free”. In a short description, you can convert the video...
The Display Units for the PSP in UK
Our friend Dale from has came across a PSP display unit, and decided to take it down. Here is what he said to describe...