Magic Key 2 and Magic Key 3 Released
source: neoflash MagicKey2 / MagicKey3 Main Feature:1.Boot from ANY Flash cart.2.Included 8Kb high-speed inner buffer, can use command to read/write it.3.Included 2M SRAM for NDS...
Nintendo Wifi Connection – European Testing
Source: DSGaming Nintendo of Europe want YOU to help them with the Nintendo Wifi Connection. A few weeks ago America helped out now its your...
Itagaki On Team Ninja’s Lineup
Source: IGN Team Ninja head Tomonobu Itagaki revealed at Microsoft Japan’s July Xbox Summit that his team was currently working away on four Xbox 360...
Use Your PSP For Portable Linux
Seargent007 has written a tutorial on how to use your PSP as a portable linux account: i felt like starting a guide on how to...
PSP Downgrade Donations
Yoshihiro of Team WAB ( #wab) has already let the world know about the success of downgrading a 1.52 Japanese firmware to 1.50. Now with...
Exclusive Revolver Footage To Be Released As A Direct WIFI PSP Download
Redbus distribution is going to be one of the first distributors in Europe to push exclusive film footage as a direct WIFI PSP download, to...
Final Fantasy VII for PS3 May Become Reality
Source: psinext After making the E3 Final Fantasy tech demo a central part of the trailer compilation shown at this year’s Square-Enix Party in Japan,...
Better Faster Simpler and Easier Method for SOCOM Beta Test Registration on a PC!
sh0ck^PSPCaliber from Team PSPCaliber have discovered a BETTER, FASTER, SIMPLER and all round EASIER method to the SOCOM beta trick! It’s a registry file for...
PSPUAE 0.31 with KBD 1.0
MIB.42 has released a new version of PSP UAE Amiga Emulator with *full* keyboard input functionality this time, v0.31 with KBD 1.0. Here is the...
Atari ST emulator CaSTaway build – screenshot
skeezix has released a screenshot of his coming Atari ST emulator CaSTaway build. The emulator seems running fine on his side. He still need to...