Parents in UK are cool, 74% think gaming is educational
A new study from Microsoft, called “Play Safe, Play Smart” yielded some interesting results from parents in the UK, and a good number of them believe that games are educational. Well.. it did teach a 6-year-old how to drive.
Results of the study after the link.
A new study from Microsoft, called “Play Safe, Play Smart” yielded some interesting results from parents in the UK.
A good number of them believe that games are educational (well.. Grand Theft Auto IV did teach a 6-year-old how to drive) and a great majority feel personally responsible for checking the age rating of the games their kids play.
Here are the rest of the results:
- 61% state that games are a great social experience
- 52% feel gaming brings their families together
- 80% see the pastime as a vital component in a balanced blend of modern and traditional entertainment
- 73% are aware of parental controls on game console
- 94% feel personally responsible for checking the age rating of the games their kids play
- 74% believe that games are educational
Putting my usual sense of cynicism aside and trying not to think that some parents just wanted to tick off the “this makes me look responsible” box, it would be interesting to know what kind of games they let their kids play, and if the parents are gamers themselves.
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