Patch mirrors for Mac World of Warcraft players
Some Mac players have been looking for a patch mirror to download updates for Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft. Now while the downloader should handle the patching, there are a few cases where players will still have to look for a copy of the file and manually patch their own games.
For those with that problem, Blizzard Poster/Forum moderator Tigerclaw was nice enough to respond in the WoW forums to dish out some info on where to find the patch and how to install it. There are two places where the file is available, the first would be in (this is where he personally uploaded the file) and on filefront.
Installing it is simple. Simply extract the file, place the patcher in your game directory and run it. That wasn’t so hard right? However, before downloading, be warned that some have given word that it takes a good 10 to 15 minutes to download it so be prepared with something to read like an FAQ or a skill guide for your character. A finer choice would be to browse a few WoW articles from while waiting for the download to finish.
Via WoW Forums
Some Mac players have been looking for a patch mirror to download updates for Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft. Now while the downloader should handle the patching, there are a few cases where players will still have to look for a copy of the file and manually patch their own games.
For those with that problem, Blizzard Poster/Forum moderator Tigerclaw was nice enough to respond in the WoW forums to dish out some info on where to find the patch and how to install it. There are two places where the file is available, the first would be in (this is where he personally uploaded the file) and on filefront.
Installing it is simple. Simply extract the file, place the patcher in your game directory and run it. That wasn’t so hard right? However, before downloading, be warned that some have given word that it takes a good 10 to 15 minutes to download it so be prepared with something to read like an FAQ or a skill guide for your character. A finer choice would be to browse a few WoW articles from while waiting for the download to finish.
Via WoW Forums